Don’t Miss the
Launch Event
Friday , July 12
Love Park, 12-1 pm
Don’t Miss the
Launch Event
Friday , July 12 - Love Park, 12 - 1 pm
Families, Reading Captains, Community Partners—all who care about growing strong readers—come join us as we celebrate our launch. Team Rocky will be there to showcase Simple Signs demonstrations and the Freedom Schools Alphabet Song double-dutch contest with Philly Girls Jump.
Families, Reading Captains, Community Partners—all who cares about growing strong readers—come join us as we celebrate our launch. Team Rocky will be there to showcase Simple Signs demonstrations and the Freedom Schools Alphabet Song double-dutch contest with Philly Girls Jump.
We hope to see you at family early-literacy events that are open to the public.


June 28, 2024

Simple Signs on the air

Listen in as WDAS' Loraine Ballard Morrill interviews Dr. Heseung Song, Sara Novic and interpreter Sarah Reed. The interview begins at the 12:18 mark.

June 28, 2024

Philadelphia School District offers new summer camps

The free programs, open to all students in grades 1 - 8, offer math and English classes and enrichment activities.

June 10, 2024

Freedom Schools Alphabet Song on the air

Listen in as WDAS’ Loraine Ballard Morrill interviews Dr. Heseung Song, Elaine Wells and Sharif El-Mekki.

June 4, 2024

Charnaie Gordon advocates for Freedom Schools Alphabet Song

Podcaster, blogger and childhood literacy activist Charnaie Gordon posted her thoughts about the FREEDOM SCHOOLS ALPHABET SONG.

February 22, 2024

Philadelphia School District is right to push phonics in reading education

Under new Superintendent Tony B. Watlington Sr., the district has decided to embrace what is known as the science of reading. It's already showing results.

February 21, 2024

A battle over how to teach kids to read is playing out in Philly-area classrooms

As the gap between what science shows and how schools teach has gained increased attention, calls for change have intensified, with advocates for the “science of reading” pushing laws backing evidence-based reading instruction.

February 9, 2024

Philly schools tops in big-city U.S. districts in academic recovery

According to the Education Recovery Scorecard, a research project out of Harvard and Stanford Universities, Philadelphia is recovering from the pandemic faster than other large city school systems — as well as other districts in Pennsylvania. In reading, the district bested its pre-pandemic levels and showed more growth than similar districts — only Chicago public schools grew faster.

January 25, 2024

Baby Sign Language: These Hands Were Made for Talking

Pediatricians approve of baby sign language, which has real staying power. Signing with babies is based on the simple observation that children can be taught to use their hands to "talk" long before their mouths catch up.

January 22, 2024

Study shows benefits of teaching babies, toddlers sign language

The American Academy of Pediatrics approves simple sign language with infants and can break down communication barriers and build positive interaction between baby and parent...Researchers have found it encourages speech.

Coming soon to a mobile phone near you!