Malcolm X Park, 52nd & Pine St.
12 - 2 pm
3500 Reservoir Dr.
4 - 7 pm
Eastwick Community Day, South 80th St. & Mars Place
12 - 4 pm
Shepard Rec Center
9 am - 4 pm
4601 Market St.
10 am - 2 pm
1301 Belmont Ave.
11 am - 4 pm
Eastwick Community Day Center
12 - 4 pm
ISC Office, 3026 E. St.
2 - 2:45 pm
6380 Germantown Ave.
6 - 8 pm
5901 Market St.
12:30 - 3:30 pm
Simons Rec Center
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Pleasant Playground Rec Center
1 - 2:30 pm
Love Park
12 - 5 pm
5501 Cedar Ave.
11 am - 1 pm
6403 Germantown Ave.
10:30 am - 4 pm
Dorothy Emanuel Center
10 - 11:30 am
Belfield Rec Center
1 - 2:30 pm
Finley Rec Center
10 - 11 am
Mallory Rec Center
1 - 2 pm
Lonnie Young Rec Center
1 - 2 pm
4601 Market St.
11 am - 3 pm
Wister Rec Center
1 - 2 pm
Lillian Marrero Library
12 - 3 pm
3890 N. 10th St.
10 am - 2 pm
141 E. Hunting Park Ave.
3 - 7 pm
Love Park
12 - 5 pm
4800 Ditman St.
3 - 8 pm
1500 Pattison Ave.
10 am - 2 pm
1700 W. Olney Ave.
10 am - 2 pm
10175 Bustleton Ave.
10 am - 2 pm
3800 N Park Ave.
4 - 9 pm
Blues Babe Foundation
11 am - 3 pm
7100 & 7200 Blocks of Germantown Ave.
5 - 9 pm
11 am - 3 pm
Corner of Cottman & Bustleton Aves.
10 am - 2 pm
635 Eerie Ave.
12 - 3 pm
6324 Crittenden St.
12 - 4 pm
761 N. 47th St.
12 - 5 pm
4601 Market St.
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Elevate 215 partnered with the School District of Philadelphia to host the in-person K-12 Philly School Fair to help parents learn more about what’s being offered at area schools in Philadelphia.
“A product that evolved from [Black] pedagogy is the ‘Freedom Schools Alphabet Song’ that our organizations are bringing back through the Right2ReadPhilly campaign. The song goes beyond the alphabet song we all know by helping children match letters with the sounds they make.”
Southwest CDC Globe Times reports the launch of Right2ReadPhilly to its more than 25,000 readers. "Right2ReadPhilly, seeks to address the city’s early literacy crisis using a novel approach: by making it easier for busy, loving families to grow strong readers..."
Under new Superintendent Tony B. Watlington Sr., the district has decided to embrace what is known as the science of reading. It's already showing results.
As the gap between what science shows and how schools teach has gained increased attention, calls for change have intensified, with advocates for the “science of reading” pushing laws backing evidence-based reading instruction.
According to the Education Recovery Scorecard, a research project out of Harvard and Stanford Universities, Philadelphia is recovering from the pandemic faster than other large city school systems — as well as other districts in Pennsylvania. In reading, the district bested its pre-pandemic levels and showed more growth than similar districts — only Chicago public schools grew faster.
Pediatricians approve of baby sign language, which has real staying power. Signing with babies is based on the simple observation that children can be taught to use their hands to "talk" long before their mouths catch up.
The American Academy of Pediatrics approves simple sign language with infants and can break down communication barriers and build positive interaction between baby and parent...Researchers have found it encourages speech.